JULIA PIQUET – Voice (2019 MCofM Youth Musical Theatre Competition 1st place winner, Jr.I) Student of Prof. Katherine Mohr
JADE SAAVEDRA – Voice (2017 MCofM Youth Musical Theatre Competition 1st place winner, Jr.II)
Student of Prof. Katherine Mohr
COVADONGA MARTINEZ DE SARASA – Voice (2017 MCofM Youth Musical Theatre Competition 1st place winner, Jr.I) Student of Prof. Katherine Mohr
Student of Dr. Dennis Kam
Composition performed by the MCofM String Ensemble
String Quartet No1 by Ian Barnett, composer (age 11)
(2017 MCofM Junior Composition Competition 1st place winner, Jr.II)
Student of Dr. Dennis Kam, Composer in Residence of the University of Miami School of Music and Associate
Conductor of the South Florida Youth Symphony.
SOPHIE CARDON-NISHIMURA – Violin (2017 MCofM Youth Concerto Competition 1st place winner, Jr. I)
Student of Prof. Andres Trujillo
SOPHIA BLANCO – Violin (2017 MCofM Youth Concerto Competition 1st place winner, Jr. II)
Student of Prof. Andres Trujillo
ANTHONY GOENAGA – Piano (2016 MCofM Youth Concerto Competition 1st place winner )
Student of Prof. Javier Sardiñas
HALEY MICHELLE FISHBERGER – Piano, Voice & Composition
(2015 & 2016 National YoungArts Foundation Merit Winner:(Voice / Popular)
Student of Prof. Monica Nordelo
Junior II | grades 6th-8th
• 1st Place: Ian BARNETT | from the studio of Dr. Dennis Kam | String Quartet No1
• Honorable Mention: Lucia Rose DAHN | Piano | from the studio of Professor Monica Nordelo | Prelude
• Honorable Mention: Sophia TALAMAS | Piano | from the studio of Professor Monica Nordelo | Along With Merlin
The applicants must perform two contrasting Musical Theatre pieces from memory.
. 1st Place: Julia PIQUET | from the voice studio of Prof. Katherine Mohr
($250 Prize, Diploma, a Performance at the MCofM Recital Award’s Ceremony, a performance at the MCofM Gala at UM)
. 2nd Place: Lucas PEREYRA ROZAS | from the voice studio of Prof. Nicole Avesani
($150 Prize, Diploma, a Performance at the MCofM Recital and Award’s Ceremony)
. 3rd Place: Florencia NIETO | from the voice studio of Prof. Lauren Hartman
($100 Prize, Diploma, a Performance at the MCofM Recital Award’s Ceremony)
Honorary Award
Miranda SOUKI | from the musical theatre studio
(Diploma, a Performance at the MCofM Recital Award’s Ceremony)
Special Mention
Sofia RODRIGUEZ PINA, Victoria ENRIQUEZ, Harlan HOENIG | from the voice studio of Prof. Katherine Mohr
(Diploma, a Performance at the MCofM Recital Award’s Ceremony)
Participation Award
Miranda Ynestroza, Gabriella Cimring, Zoe Assis, Veronica Luzine, Lilah Murphy, Isabella Sayfie Ranawat, Allegra de Armas
Covadonga MARTINEZ DE SARASA | from the voice studio of Prof. Katherine Mohr
($250 Prize, Diploma, a Performance at the MCofM Recital Award’s Ceremony, a Performance at the MCofM Gala at UM)
Honorary Award
Lauren ZANARINI | from the voice studio of Prof. Nicole Avesani
(Diploma, a Performance at the MCofM Recital Award’s Ceremony)
Special Mention
Paisley Verea and Ema Cliff
(Diploma, a Performance at the MCofM Recital Award’s Ceremony)
The 2018 winners were:
Congratulations to all the contestants. You are all invited to celebrate your achievements on Friday, April 13 at 7PM at the MCofM Hall and everyone will be recognized.
. 1st Place: Lucas PEREYRA ROZAS | from the voice studio of Prof. Nicole Avesani
. 2nd Place: Julia PIQUET | from the voice studio of Prof. Katherine Mohr
. 3rd Place: Victoria ENRIQUEZ | from the voice studio of Prof. Katherine Mohr
Honorary Recognition
Noelia SIU
Participation Award
Gabriella CIMRING
. 1st Place: Lauren ZANARINI | from the voice studio of Prof. Nicole Avesani
Honorary Recognition
Junior I | grades 2nd–7th
• 1st Place: Covadonga MARTINEZ DE SARASA | from the voice studio of Prof. Katherine Mohr
• 2nd Place: Leandra OBANDO | from the voice studio of Prof. Katherine Mohr
• 3rd Place: Lucas PEREYRA ROZAS | from the voice studio of Prof. Nicole Avesani
Junior II & Senior | grades 8th–12th
• 1st Place: Jade SAAVEDRA | from the voice studio of Prof. Katherine Mohr
• 2nd Place: Sofia ARMANDO | from the voice studio of Prof. Katherine Mohr
• 3rd Place: Beatriz Muelas | from the voice studio of Prof. Katherine Mohr
This competition, offered to our young conservatory students and open to all instruments, was created to foster and nurture their musical talents, motivate them in their musical studies, trigger their desire to participate more than compete and mainly encourage them to always achieve their best. It is an educational journey that also teaches them critical thinking, an engagement that helps them develop healthy attitudes about winning and losing at a young age as we aim to give them an enjoyment philosophy rather than a winning philosophy, an experience that put any fear into perspective for the development of a resilient and confident individual.
The competition is accepting all Miami-Dade students students from ages 7–15 and is open to all instruments.
It takes place in two rounds (Preliminary and Final) and is divided in three levels:
Junior I for ages 7 – 9
Junior II for ages 10 – 12
Junior III for ages 13-15
The applicants have to perform any movement of a concerto from memory and are required to provide their own accompanist (a pianist) to play the orchestra parts.
Junior I | ages 7–9
• 1st Place: Sophie CARDON-NISHIMURA | violin from the studio of Prof. Andres Trujillo
• 2nd Place: Jordan LE-VEGA | pino from the studio of Prof. Monica Nordelo
• 3rd Place: Isabella MARKO | piano from the studio of Prof. Monica Nordelo
TIE with Annette LABRADA | violin from the studio of Prof. Andres Trujillo
Junior II | ages 10–12
• 1st Place: Sophia BLANCO | violin from the studio of Prof. Andres Trujillo
• 2nd Place: Tea DELIC | piano from the studio of Prof. Teofana Mezincescu
• 3rd Place: Megan MAGUIRE | piano from the studio of Prof. Monica Nordelo
Honorable Mention: Kira RODRIGUEZ | violin from the studio of Prof. Viera Borisova
Junior I | ages 7–9
• 1st Place: Camille LUGO | violin from the studio of Prof. Andres Trujillo
• 2nd Place: Paula OLIVERA | piano from the studio of Prof. Teofana Mezincescu
• 3rd Place: Isabella MARKO | piano from the studio of Prof. Monica Nordelo
• Honorable Mention:
– Carmen Howell | piano from the studio of Prof. Monica Nordelo
– Jordan Le | piano from the studio of Prof. Monica Nordelo
Junior II | ages 10 – 12
• 1st Place: Anthony GOENAGA | piano from the studio of Prof. Javier Sardinas
• 2nd. Place: Sophia BLANCO | violin from the studio of Prof. Andres Trujillo
• 3rd Place: Branden CABRERA | violin from the studio of Prof. Andres Trujillo
• Honorable Mention: Sidny SIGURLIN HALL | piano fom the studio of Prof. Monica Nordelo
• 1st Place: $250, a plaque and performance at UM on May 15th accompanied by an ensemble of professional musicians
• 2nd Place: $150, a certificate and a solo performance at UM on May 15th
• 3rd Place: $100, a certificate and a solo performance at UM on May 15th
• Honorable Mention: a certificate and recognition on stage at UM on May 15t
Junior I |ages 7–9:
• 1st Place: Sofia CASTILLO | piano
• 2nd Place: Sophia BLANCO | violin
• 3rd Place: Avani TEMBE | piano
Junior II | ages 10–12:
• 1st Place: Sophia MOLINA | violin
• 2nd Place: Anthony GOENAGA | piano
• 3rd Place: Sidny SIGURLIN HALL | piano
The 1st Places received each, $250, a plaque and performed at UM last May 16th accompanied by an ensemble of professional musicians.
The 2nd Places received $150, the 3rd Places $100 each plus certificates at UM last May 16th.
Accepting all students from the Miami Conservatory of Music from ages 8 to 15 with 2 years of experience, this competition is open to all instruments (except for voice).
It takes place in one round and is divided in three levels:
Junior I for ages 8 – 11
Junior II for ages 12 – 15
The applicants compete in pairs in a duo or duet ensemble on the same or different instruments. They can either perform by memory or with the music using their original score.
Cash prizes: Junior I: $200 (1st) | $150 (2nd) | $100 (3rd) Junior II: $250 (1st) | $200 (2nd) | $150 (3rd)
(information on the 2018 competition here!)
In 2007, the Miami Conservatory of Music (MCofM) became part of the Florida Federation of Music Clubs (FFMC), an institution affiliated with the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC). The FFMC is dedicated to the purpose of furthering music education and fostering a dynamic musical environment throughout the communities of this state. Every year, the FFMC held this major festival at the University of Miami School of Music. Since 2013, the FFMC took place at the conservatory and welcomed a thousand young musicians from Broward and Miami-Dade counties. Students who receive Superior ratings are eligible to compete in the State Competition held in May in Jacksonville.
– Second Place: Composer’s Contest – Sofia Castillo (Junior I)
– Haley Fishberger (Junior III)
– Certificate of Merit: Composer’s Contest – Sophia Talamas (Junior II)
– Merit Winner: Haley Fishberger (Voice / Popular)
– Second Place: Violin – Sophia Molina
Total of 35 Piano Participants:
– 30 students scored “Superior” (Piano Solo)
– 4 students scored “Excellent” (Piano Solo)
– 1 student scored “Superior” (Piano Concerto)
Total of 20 Violin Participants:
– 13 students scored “Superior” (Violin Solo)
– 5 students scored “Excellent” (Violin Solo)
– 2 students scored “Superior” (Violin Concerto)
Total of 1 Cello Participant:
– the student scored “Superior”
Total of 7 Voice/Musical Theater Participants:
– 2 students scored “Superior”
– 2 students scored “Excellent”
– 3 students scored “Satisfactory”
Total of 10 Guitar Participants:
– 7 students scored “Superior” (Guitar Solo)
– 3 students scored “Excellent” (Guitar Solo)
– Winner: Sophia Molina
– 1st-Place: Kamila Manzueta
Total of 30 Piano Participants:
– 23 students scored “Superior” (Piano Solo)
– 4 students scored “Excellent” (Piano Solo)
– 2 students scored “Superior” (Piano Concerto)
– 1 student scored “Excellent” (Piano Concerto)
Total of 13 Violin Participants:
– 8 students scored “Superior” (Violin Solo)
– 2 students scored “Excellent” (Violin Solo)
– 3 students scored “Superior” (Violin Concerto)
Total of 1 Cello Participant:
– the student scored “Superior”
Total of 8 Voice Participants:
– the students scored all “Superior” (Voice Solo)
Total of 9 Guitar Participants:
– 8 students scored “Superior” (Guitar Solo)
– 1 student scored “Excellent” (Guitar Solo)
Total of 37 Piano Participants:
– 23 students scored “Superior” (Piano Solo)
– 1 student scored “Superior” (Piano Duets)
– 4 students scored “Superior” (Piano Concerto)
– 9 students scored “Excellent” (Piano Solo)
Total of 13 Violin Participants:
– 7 students scored “Superior” (Violin Solo)
– 5 students scored “Superior” (Violin Concerto)
– 1 student scored “Excellent” (Violin Solo)
Total of 13 Voice Participants:
– 10 students scored “Superior” (Musical Theater)
– 1 student scored “Excellent” (Musical Theater)
– 1 student scored “Satisfactory” (Musical Theater)
– 1 student scored “Superior” (Voice Solo)
Total of 10 Guitar Participants:
– 10 students scored “Superior” (Guitar Solo)
Total of 34 Piano Participants:
– 26 students scored “Superior”
– 8 students scored “Excellent”
Total of 10 String Participants:
– 9 students scored “Superior”
– 1 student scored “Excellent”
Total of 9 Guitar Participants:
– 9 students scored “Superior”
Total of 12 Voice Participants:
– 10 students scored “Superior”
– 1 student scored “Excellent”
– 1 student scored “Satisfactory”
New World Symphony 2010 Young Artist Concerto Competition
CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE / FINALIST: David Fernandez / Violin (age 16)
(Studio of Prof. Andres Trujillo)
Sixth Annual Ray Millette Memorial Concerto Competition (2010)
WINNER: David Fernandez / Violin (age 16)
(Studio of Prof. Andres Trujillo)
SECOND PLACE: Junior Division: Kamila Manzueta / Piano (age 14)
(Studio of Prof. Darleen Trujillo)
FIRST PLACE: Kamila Manzueta / Piano (age 14)
(Studio of Prof. Darleen Trujillo)
FIRST PLACE: Claudia Tomas / Piano (age 17)
(Studios of Profs. Debora Sanchez & Darleen Trujillo)
Total of 31 Piano Participants:
– 23 students scored “Superior”
– 8 students scored “Excellent”
Total of 9 String Participants:
– 9 students scored “Superior”
Total of 10 Guitar Participants:
– 10 students scored “Superior”
Total of 1 Voice Participant:
– The student scored “Superior”
Ars Flores 2009-2010 Young Artist Competition
FINALIST: David Fernandez / Violin (age 15)
(Studio of Prof. Andres Trujillo)
FIRST PLACE: Kamila & Juan Manzueta / Piano Duet (ages 14)
FIRST PLACE: Claudia Tomas / Category Piano Solo (age 16)
(Studios of Profs. Debora Sanchez & Darleen Trujillo)
Total of 20 Piano Participants:
– 15 students scored “Superior”
– 5 students scored “Excellent”
Total of 8 String Participants:
– 4 students scored “Superior”
– 3 students scored “Excellent”
– 1 student scored “Satisfactory”
Total of 1 Guitar Participant:
– The student scored “Superior”
The 9 participants were awarded 1st Place, Plaque and Perfect Score
Ars Flores 2008-2009 Young Artist Competition
FINALIST: Mariana Yern / Violin (age 16)
(Studio of Prof. Andres Trujillo)
FINALIST: David Fernandez / Violin (age 14)
(Studio of Prof. Andres Trujillo)
New World Symphony 2008 Young Artist Concerto Competition
CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE: Claudia Tomas / Piano (age 14)
(Studio of Prof. Debora Sanchez)
Ars Flores 2007-2008 Young Artist Competition
FINALIST: Claudia Tomas / Piano (age 14)
(Studio of Prof. Debora Sanchez)
Fourth Annual Ray Millette Memorial Concerto Competition (2008)
FINALIST: Claudia Tomas / Piano (age 14)
(Studio of Prof. Debora Sanchez)
MERIT SCHOLARSHIP: Mariana Yern / Violin (age 16)
(Studio of Prof. Andres Trujillo)
2008 Touzet Scholarship
WINNER: Claudia Tomas (age 14)
2008 Merit Scholarships
THIRD PLACE: Claudia Tomas (age 14)
(Studio of Prof. Debora Sanchez)
Participants were awarded 1rst Place, Plaque and Perfect Score and 1rst Place
Total of 14 Piano Participants:
– 12 students scored “Superior”
– 1 student scored “Excellent”
– 1 student scored “Satisfactory”
Outstanding Young Pianists Concert (2007)
Claudia Tomas (age 13)
(Studio of Prof. Debora Sanchez)
Participants were awarded 1rst Place, Plaque and Perfect Score and 1rst Place
Total of 15 Piano Participants:
– 11 students were awarded 1rst Place, Plaque and Perfect Score
– 2 students were awarded 1rst Place
THIRD PLACE: Claudia Tomas (age 12) (Studio of Prof. Debora Sanchez)
Winner: Beginner II & III:
Lisa Petit (Studio of Prof. Darleen Trujillo)
Winners: Intermediate I & II:
Paola Rospigliosi
Miguel Angarita (Studio of Prof. Johailen Frometa)
Winners: Intermediate III:
Alison Belinsky (Studio of Prof. Johailen Frometa)
Winners: Advanced:
First Place: Claudia Tomas (Studio of Prof. Debora Sanchez)
Second Place: Frank Perez (Studio of Prof. Johailen Frometa)
Third Place: Ben Robles (Studio of Prof. Darleen Trujillo)
Participants were awarded 1st Place, Plaque and Perfect Score and 1st Place
SECOND BEST: Claudia Tomas (age 11)
(Studio of Prof. Debora Sanchez)
Total of 12 Piano Participants:
– 2 students were awarded 1st Place, Plaque and Perfect Score
– 3 students were awarded 1st Place and Plaque
– 1 student was awarded First place
– 4 students were awarded Second Place
Total of 4 Guitar Participants:
– 2 students were awarded 1st Place, Plaque and Perfect Score
– 2 students were awarded 1st Place and Plaque
Total of 7 Piano Participants:
– 6 students were awarded 1st Place, Plaque, and Perfect Score
– 1 student was awarded 1st Place and Plaque