Learn music in a fun social group atmosphere!
Keyboard Kids focuses on piano while building a foundation in music which can later be translated to any instrument as the child matures. Children aged between 6 and 9 years really thrive in the group setting, as it allows for a more interactive and social experience. They will move together as a group through a graded piano book, covering basic reaching and rhythm skills, learning simple pieces along with duet and ensemble playing getting progressively more challenging over the course of the class.
● Class size is limited to eight.
● Child must be 6 year old when starting this course (or younger if he/she completed one Keyboard Discovery 10-week session).
● This program is a comprehensive 1-year keyboard course. Students enroll in the fall and are automatically re-enrolled for spring.
● New students enrolling in January will start a new semester session (Level 1) ending in May and can join a more advanced session (Level 2) in the fall.
● Students enrolling after the Spring Break will enter a Discovery session of 8 weeks and can choose to start the 1-year keyboard course in the fall.
● Books and materials are provided.
● There will be 2 recitals (Winter and Spring) held in a year to showcase the student’s progress.
• Deposit of $ 200 due at time of registration to secure space. Deposit covers first and last month of classes. No refunds.
• Tuition is $100 per month due on the 25th of the month for the following month (Except in December and March when payments will be due on the 18, due to Winter and Spring Breaks)
• Auto-payment enrollment.
• No refunds or make ups for missed lessons
LEVEL 1A for NEW beginners ages 6-8 ( are also accepted students who completed one Keyboard Discovery 10-week session)
WEDNESDAYS | 4:30 – 5:15PM | $100/month from September – May
September 4 – December 18 | January 8 – March 11 | April 1 – May 27
SATURDAYS | 10:45 – 11:30AM Canceled
September 7 – December 21 | January 11 – March 14 | April 4 – May 30
LEVEL 1B for students who started in January last year Closed
SATURDAYS | 11:30 – 12:15PM
September 7 – December 21
LEVEL 2 for ages 7-9 for students who completed Level 1 or for new ones upon audition
SATURDAYS | 10:00 – 10:45AM
September 7 – December 21 | January 11 – March 14 Full | April 4 – May 30 Canceled!